27 January 2010

Retarded and interestingly Moronic

This may seem like some ordinary blog post... because it is. :D Today as in 27th January 2010 has been awfully retarded and interestingly moronic. Yes, my favourite semi-complicated words would be retarded and moronic. (In your face, those who always call people 'cacat' and stupid!) The 'Homework War' is ending soon. I thank the Heavens for being so kind-hearted. Surprisingly, I'm still standing. Yay! You sucks homeworks!

So, today, as I said, was retarded and interestingly moronic because Neej, Nic, Rachel, Mafia and I kept laughing during physics class while Jerren was being rajin. I was so stupid for thinking that one round of the stop watch = 1 minute. (When it was suppose to be 1 round = 30 seconds) we screwed our previous measurements with correction tape and managed to redo the measurements which were not so huge anymore. The second problem we had was... we didn't know how to draw the graph. Well, I winged it and we all did the same way. Well, I'm too lazy to type out my elaborate description of what exactly happened. Here comes the Bosco doodles (brought to you by John Bosco)! :D

It was Physics class and everyone was finishing off their PEKA or so they thought they had finished...

So, our conversation went like this...
Me: Eh, how come our measurement so big? I see other people's measurement so small bah?
Neej: Don't know. Did you count it wrong?
Me: No, I don't think so..

Several sentences later...
Mafia: John, correction tape.
Me: Kay mafia. *hands correction tape over to mafia*
Rachel: John, you sure you didn't take the time wrongly?
Me: Yea. Memang 43 seconds...
Mafia: How did you count the seconds? You didn't count it as 1 round equals to 1 minute right? It's suppose to be 1 round-30 seconds.
Me: *had my breathless moment and slammed my head on the table BONK!* I used 1 round equals to 60 seconds.
Everyone at our table: WTF!!!!@$r!@%!%!@#!@$%^@#!!&*@!#^$@%@%!^!#$%@!!!!

I felt so crappy. Wait... I still do! (WTFWTFWTF... WTF!!!!!) Sorry guys! I caused you loads of trouble. Today was a crappy yet okay day. I can only hope it gets better.

And to think I have to hand the PEKA in on my birthday? XD Goodbye my beloved readers.

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